Emergence of KP.3. A New COVID-19 Strain. Increased Hospitalisations in UK, US

Since February, Latest Variants of Covid-19 called FLiRT have been emerging.

FliRt Covid-19 variants are highly contagious variants, which swept a significant portion of the public during the last winter.

Scientists have concerns for an expected Summer wave.

FliRT covid-19 variant has 3 known strains now, KP.3, KP.2, and KP.1.1. In the United States, CDC( Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) have concluded that FliRt covid-19 variants cover around two third of the total infected people.

Omicron Strains were wreaking havoc before its subvariant FLiRT started taking over in the beginning of 2024. KP.2 overtook the top spot and soon after KP.3 surpassed it to become the most widespread strain of FLiRT Covid-19.

From 10% of the total cases in May, KP.3 strain jumped to 33% cases in June.

 FLiRT Covid-19 variants make up to 62 % of the affected population in the United States. Surge of new infections in 39 states in the U.S.A have alarmed the experts at CDC.
Weakened immunity of the public and the manoeuvrability of KP.3 strains around the immune system make the threat more menacing.

Covid-19 is still lurking around and the experts estimate it to stay for a while. KP.3 is just like the other strains of Covid-19 in the past, which mutates and advances in around six months. That’s a very quick cycle in comparison to viruses like Influenza. Transmissibility of FLiRT Covid-19 strains like KP.3 is possibly quick, as the other strains of Covid-19 are decreasing. Although Scientists are hesitant to raise alarm bells yet.

Some laboratory studies have suggested that the protection achieved through previous vaccinations will be partially beneficial against the newer strains of the Covid-19.

Hospitalisation in the U.S.A as a result of covid is not as high as the last winter and the experts are reassured that it will stay the same. Although people were not being tested for infection as much last year hence keeping records for the true numbers is a bit of hassle for the CDC.

Following symptoms may arise, if you are affected from the new strains like KP.3.

  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Fevers and Chills
  • Runny Nose
  • Diarrhoea
  • Congestion and Muscle Ache
  • Headaches
  • Shortness of Breath and difficulty in breathing.


Preventive Measures against KP.3 and FliRT variants.

To prevent the new impending wave of treacherous SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19), CDC suggests the following measures although it is still too early to predict the certainty of the summer wave. FLiRT variants are still being studied.

  • Information is the key and keeping yourself updated with the vaccination schedules and other COVID-19 stuff is of paramount importance.
  • Get tested if you have the facilities near you. Symptoms of exposure to COVID-19 are well known at this point.
  • Try avoiding socialisation when in doubt.
  • Always adopt a hygienic lifestyle and keep washing your hands after using facilities.
  • Last but not the least, try wearing a mask if you have to be in a crowded place. 


