5 Websites to make your dull day a bit brighter

 We all have occasional sensation of extreme boredom. A bit of light hearted humour or interesting video on social media may brighten your day but have you ever thought about finding weird, niche and strange websites which makes you think, "Huh, somebody made this, well! good for them". 

Today, I would like to present a few of the Strange and fascinating websites I have came across scrolling on web forums. let's begin!

1. Birthday Weather.

As obvious from the title, this is a website that tells you the weather on the day you were born. A very simple interface helps you put your birthday and voila! now you know whether the sun was bright on that like you, Sunshine! or the clouds had been hovering over the town. The weather is acquired with the open source API called "open-meteo", which allows the free use of the API for non-commercial projects. If less than 10000 visits a day are happening on your project , it's free to use. 

Historical weather is analysed and interpreted in this website. Visit Birthdayweather here and have fun. 


2. Muscle Wiki

Muscle wiki will help you decide what exercises you should do by selecting a muscle from the diagram. It will give you all sorts of options whether exercise should be easy, intermediate or difficult. What sort of equipment you want to use. With a quite intuitive user interface, this website helps you plan a more focused and narrower fitness regiment. 

3. Morning Pages.

This journal fades your words as you type, forcing you to keep writing instead of editing.

If you are a distractable typist, this is a great little gift for you. If you constantly going back to check typos and niche grammar rules and losing your train of thoughts, this will force you to look only on what you are typing next.

To finish a writing piece, you would still be better off with using a proper word processer like MS office Word, or Google Docs or Libreoffice Writer but for drafts and quick thoughts, this is a handy tool.


4. A number from the Ghost

It's not a game but you have controls to move around in aesthetically pleasing cyberpunk-esque environments. Take a journey into the mind blowing lucid terrains and environments.

This is what i imagine lucid dreaming would feel like.


Here's the Link for the website


5. Bubble Popping

Weird, peculiar sounds can be therapeutic for some folks. The sound of popping bubbles is quite satisfying at times. This website allows you drag you mouse and pop all the bubbles on the screen and then it resets. Simple and straightforward!

Go here and pop some bubbles!
